Sitting by a water source is one of my favourite ways to relax and unwind. There's usually an abundance of activity, although some days it may not seem so. With the summer heat, many of the smaller birds are hiding in the foliage. They seem to venture out early in the morning and after sundown in the evening.
There wasn't a lot of activity this afternoon, dragonflies being the only thing out, the birds very obvious in their absence. As this particular spot slipped into shadow, I drove to another location. As I got there, a Willow Flycatcher perched nearby and flew off quickly as a car approached.
Waiting and watching, the sloughs water levels have come up what with the release of the water built up behind the recent landslide in Chilcotin. However, there was no activity on the water. No ducks, no swallows, no birds except for a brief pass by a Belted Kingfisher. I closed my eyes in a long blink.
The splash was sudden and loud, indicating something large had entered the water. I turned my head quickly at the sound to see an Osprey enter the water, submerge itself almost completely before flying out with a fish in its talons.

Unfortunately, I missed the entry and exit, but managed to capture the osprey as he flew across the water and lifted up towards where I was sitting in my car. He flew right in front of me, so close I couldn't capture his wings. However, I did get some great shots of it with its catch up until it flew right in front of me. I watched as it flew across the cornfield, presumably on its way to its nest.

Best advice and lesson learned? Don't blink.
Enjoy the day!