Loud booms reverberate near Mt. Cheam. Thunder crashes overhead off and on again, as it has for the past two days. Peeking through the blinds at daybreak, light is dim, shrouded by fast-moving clouds. Torrential rain bounced off pavement, the rhythm of it washing away summer's dust and grime. I love the sound of falling rain.

A perfect day to pull covers up and read with a steaming cup of coffee, instead, getting dressed for the wet weather and heading out for a walk. There's something about walking in the rain that somehow feels cleansing.
Cheam Wetlands, imo, is the perfect place for this, towering trees protecting the paths. Walking poles in hand, I made short shrift of the walk, feeling the rain seep through my jacket. So much for water resistent. It was still a great walk, foliage dripping with raindrops, music to my ears.
Trudging back up the hill, feeling refreshed and a sense of accomplishment, I peeled off my soaking jacket before getting into the car. Back home, sliding into cozy sweats, it somehow feels virtuous having made myself go for a walk in the rain.
Enjoy the day!